Symptoms Common Causes And Treatment Of Eczema

Symptoms Common Causes And Treatment Of Eczema Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by dry, itchy, red, and inflamed patches of skin. Eczema can occur at any age, but it most commonly starts in infancy and childhood. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the symptoms, common causes, and treatment options available for managing eczema. It's important to note that eczema symptoms can occur in cycles, with periods of flare-ups and remission. Flare-ups refer to periods of increased symptoms and irritation, while remission refers to periods when the symptoms subside or disappear temporarily. Symptoms of Eczema; Itchiness and Redness; One of the hallmark symptoms of eczema is intense itching, which can be persistent and disruptive. Scratching the affected areas can lead to further inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin. Dry and Flaky Skin; Eczema often...